Including Sex Toys in Your New Year’s Resolutions Might Help You Achieve Them

Including Sex Toys in Your New Year’s Resolutions Might Help You Achieve Them

Do you make New Year’s resolutions every January only to give up on them within a few days or weeks? Have you ever included sex, pleasure, and sex toys in those resolutions? If not, that could be what you’ve been missing.

Let’s look at a few common resolutions and see how you can add sex toys to make them better and easier. This could be the year you finally keep your resolutions for longer than a month!

Resolution: Try Something New

Resolution: Try Something New

Maybe you have the vague “try something new” on your list of resolutions. Treat this like the fortune cookie game and add “in bed” to the end of that. While that could mean you try a kinky sex thing, it can also mean trying a new sex toy. It might mean trying sex toys for the first time or changing up your schedule like using one in the morning instead of at night. Either way, your “something new” can be anything you’ve never done with a sex toy — with or without a partner.

Resolution: Do More Self-Care

Self-care can look like so many things. For some, it’s taking more days off or going to bed earlier. For others, it means reading more books or going to therapy. Sex toys go hand-in-hand with self-care (no pun intended). Slowing down, focusing on what makes you feel good, and enjoying pleasure can all be classified as self-care. Now do all of that with a sex toy in your hand, and your New Year’s resolution just came true in a way you hadn’t considered before.

Resolution: Get More Sleep

Resolution: Get More Sleep

Ignore anyone who gives you that tired old “I can sleep when I’m dead” BS. Sleep is absolutely necessary to have a happy, healthy life. But a lot of people struggle to get to sleep and stay asleep. While there a lot of reasons for that, being able to relax is a part of it. Sex toys to the rescue! Using one to get off quicker and more effectively lets you experience the benefits of masturbation and orgasms. One of those benefits is help falling asleep. Whether it’s from a post-climax haze or because you masturbated away some tension, a sex toy can plays a major role here.

Resolution: Make More Time for Yourself

This could come under “self-care” but you might just want more alone time. Maybe you’re a parent who deals with your kids all day. Maybe your job is really stressful with people wanting your attention from start to finish. Spending time alone with your own thoughts can be a great New Year’s resolution that helps you relax and feel less stressed. One way to make that resolution a reality is to masturbate more. Do it in bed or do it in the shower, but bring a sex toy to the party for easier, quicker pleasure. You don’t always need hours alone to recharge when a few minutes with a high-powered vibrator will do the trick.

Resolution: Be More Adventurous with Your Partner

Resolution: Be More Adventurous with Your Partner

Okay, so maybe when you set this resolution you thought about skydiving or going to places you’ve never been. But stick with us here — what if your adventure is trying BDSM or acting out that sexy role play scene you joke about all the time? It might mean masturbating in front of your partner while they watch or wearing a butt plug while you go out on a date together. “Adventure” can mean so many things, and a sexual adventure is always an option. The right sex toy takes the experience to new levels and makes everything more intense.

Resolution: Get Healthy

Being healthy can look like so many things: exercise, eating a healthier diet, cutting out sugar, going to therapy. In terms of a sex toy helping you with this, there are two things to consider. First, your sex toy can help you want to have sex more often which is a great way to move your body or at least get your heart rate up. Secondly, having good sex that leaves you feeling satisfied decreases stress, helps you relax, and allows you to sleep better (we already mentioned that). Those things lead to better health, as well. Use your sex toy during sex with a partner or when you masturbate, and you may be on your way to improving your health in multiple ways.


Sex toys make everything better, including your goals and New Year’s resolutions. You can set a sex toy specific goal or you can just incorporate a favorite toy into the resolutions you’ve already set. Either way, you’ll have more fun and be more inclined to keep going beyond January!

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Kayla L. Written by Kayla L..

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