Shibari Bondage for Beginners: Stay Safe While Getting Kinky

When fuzzy handcuffs are no longer exciting, it may be time to take power play to the next level with rope bondage, otherwise known as Shibari.
It doesn’t take long to learn the basics of bondage rope. You don’t need to be an Eagle Scout and know hundreds of knots, either. Just take it one step at a time and be sure to discuss safety and consent with your partner.
Bondage Safety Tips
Before finding the right Shibari rope, it’s important to lay some ground rules for both partners. You can both stay safe by practicing the following safety tips:
- Establish safe words—clear one-word indicators of comfort level. They can be whatever you’d like, but the submissive should be able to convey discomfort or unease along with a firm “stop.” Just like traffic lights, “yellow” might mean “this feels good but back off a bit” and “red” will mean “stop and untie me.” If submission involves the inability to speak, you might hold something tightly in your hand. If you drop it, your partner will know to stop.
- Invest in thick cotton or silk rope that won’t slide. Tie the knots securely enough that it can be pulled yet undone at a moment’s notice.
- Be sure you’re able to fit two fingers between the skin and rope to avoid cutting off circulation. Stop and loosen knots if you notice your partner’s skin turning white or blue. It’s not normal or okay for your partner’s hands, arms, feet, legs, or any other body part to go numb. If this happens, release them or loosen the tie immediately.
- Never leave the submissive tied up alone in the room. It is fine to blindfold your partner or provide noise cancelling headphones—sensory deprivation can be part of the fun—just be sure you have eyes on them at all times for safety.
- Don’t forget to decompress after sex. You may not realize it as a novice, but there’s a reason aftercare is addressed in most all bondage for beginners tutorials. Being tied up is a very vulnerable feeling and can release emotions in the submissive that they weren’t expecting. Cuddling, kissing, and light massage are all great ways to wind down after using bondage rope.
- Choose one style of bondage and practice it until you’ve got it down before moving to the next one. Great introductory techniques include the square knot and half hitch.
Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can graduate to a 200 foot rope for elaborate body harnesses or restraints. When done well, Shibari can truly become a work of art… just like the sexy body in front of you that’s begging to be tied up.
At Caliente Adult Superstore, we’re ready to help you take your first steps into consensual bondage. We carry the ropes mentioned above, along with lube, lingerie, fetish wear and much more. Visit us today!